this should be the place where i insert some fantastic quote or an inspirational scripture or something. it is usually a way of validating or at least adding weight to what i have to say, but not this time...
this past year has been one filled with all types of ups and downs. some downs that actually played out as ups and vise
versa. out of all the twists and turns, foggy mornings and bright sun at noon moments one dream has
emerged. the idea of beginning a new
community of faith, one centered on values that we may not even be able to write out clearly. but that we know are essential if Jesus-following-life is to mean anything to those disconnected from church (myself included). i heard someone once say that Christian life is more than believing properly (orthodoxy), it is right movement as well (
orthopraxy). like riding a bike, balance is discovered in the going, doing, moving (except to my brother-in-law and his whole "fixed gear" bike subculture -don't ask).
amy and i, along with some friends and family are on a journey to discover what a faith community, centered on living the kingdom of heaven here (
oshkosh) and now, could look like. as of this moment, we've got no mission statement, no meeting place or anything... but we very much feel like God is directing us to step out this way. so here we go, closer up... deeper in.