about a week ago i was leaving the local grocery store when one of those community bulletin signs caught my attention. you know the ones right by the exit door that are usually covered with middle school drama advertisements. this one flyer had bold print that read "learn english". a good thing to know if you are living in the midwest. later that day i had to run to that store again, and on the way out i saw that flyer again... only this time i took the time to read the rest of the details.
the entire advertisement was in... ENGLISH. (stop... think about it) now, i know the people giving the lessons were coming from a good place, but don't you think they missed an important fact.
the more i roll this one around in my head, the more i am convinced that we most often fail to see life from outside our bubbles. the givens to us are rarely givens to others. especially in faith circles. maybe it's just being lazy, maybe it's because we don't spend enough time with those who live day to day outside our circle. maybe it's because we still think in terms of circles and in and out. here's to living incarnationally... uh, real life with real people, not just those who know my language.