Monday, June 23, 2008


Having been through the infant stage once already, I've been trying to enjoy it as much as I can with Lucy. How very quickly these little beans grow into toddlers who shout, "Go away, Mommy! Go away!". (I still love you, Soph.)
In an effort to save on gas, Jason has been riding his bike a lot more around town. My brother Mike, who is extremely into biking, just built him this one out of parts he'd been collecting over the past year or so. Jason loves it!

What do you do when your city is flooded and your toddler hasn't been out to play in a few days? If you're Jason, you head down to the basement and open up a new case of paper towels and introduce them as building blocks. Sophi had a blast.

Can't get enough of this . . .

Father's Day


bradandgeo said...

no more bike pictures without spandex!

Unknown said...

you are a beautiful mom Amy, a beautiful mom :)

L said...

so sweet, amy! can't wait to hold that adorable little bundle you sad how fast she is growing before we get to meet her. :-( looking forward to seeing you guys soon.