Wednesday, March 11, 2009

winter projects . . .

One of the things we loved about our house when we bought it was the fact that it was really old AND had huge walk in closets in every bedroom - a rare combination. Sophi's room happens to have two - so I'd been planning to turn one of them into a little playhouse, which we now call her "play closet".

Artwork is courtesy of Jason - age 5.

The wooden ironing board belonged to my mom, who played with it in her playhouse when she was little. :) Sophi now prefers to use it to iron the "sprinkles" (aka wrinkles) out of her blanket as a means of stalling before bed.

And, we finally painted our bedroom. It only took two years (and two coats)!


Meehan Family said...

How fun! You're so very creative, seems your daughter takes after you, though. Her idea for stalling bedtime is very creative!

L said...

Oh Amy, I love, love, love everything you did and your room looks fantastic! You do such a great job! :-)