Tuesday, July 10, 2007

you know you're a parent when . . .

. . . you have footage of yourself coaching your child to "poop it out" while holding up a picture card to inspire them.

good effort, sophster!


L said...

that's the best video ever!!! :-) let me know how your method works - we may end up using it someday. :-)

bradandgeo said...

let's hope blogger crashes and we lose all this evidence of embarrassing our children on a global scale before they realize what has happened to them.

in the meantime, more poop videos!

teirney said...

let me echo brad's thoughts. these videos are extremely amusing (and to quote my wife: "cute") and i hope they continue to be posted. but i sure am glad the pictures and videos of me as a child are stuffed under the couch at my parent's house and not memorialized for all time on the internet. i just have a feeling you will pay for posting this one day.

amy fiedler said...

jason was mortified that i did this. sorry, sophster. i'm sure you'll be equally mortified in a few years. i'm only doing it because i love you.

Unknown said...

Oh Amy, I know this post came from a heart of love. It's true, Sophi may be mortified, but you may be mortified when she is coaching an 80 year old you to "poop it out" :)
Love, Annali