Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March . . .

A few pictures from March, so far . . .

We've been working on restoring some furniture for Sophi so that we can move her out of the nursery and make room for Fiedler child #2 - slated to arrive in 8 weeks!

My sister-in-law, Wendy (furniture restoration expert), my middle brother, Mike, and Jason.

Does anyone else see orbs????? Okay, maybe it was just dust from the sanding.

We dyed eggs with Sophi this year and she loved it - although not quite as much as Jason, judging from this photo.

Soph got a tea set for Easter. Jason and I get invited to "tea potty's" several times a day lately.

Sophi and her cousin, Liam on Easter.

Sophi with her cousins, Jack and Liam (my brother Steve's kids) and three of her uncles - Mike, Aaron, and Bubba.


teirney said...

why does sophi have a boston accent?

Unknown said...

Amy- those ARE orbs!!!!! Orbs I say, orbs!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart skipped with delight when I saw the orbs, it's a sign Amy, a sign :D

bradandgeo said...

is that your basement you're working in? holy shnikeys, it's huge! it's a whole house down there! why don't you guys go ahead and fix that up so we can move in when i'm jobless and a wandering vagabond academic.

amy fiedler said...

calm down, brad. that's NOT our basement.

AFP said...

t- we took a trip out east when soph was 6 mos. old. that must be it.