Wednesday, June 21, 2006

day three

Day three

This evening HICC is hosting the Netherlands v Argentina World Cup game. The church is being converted (no pun intended) into a football hall. It should be a fantastic night. No strings, just come and watch the game.

Went to city center this afternoon in Hilversum. Quite a nice area. Very much European, reminded me a bit of Dublin, but you had to look the “correct” way before stepping out into traffic. Also, most things are written in Dutch, which only makes sense. Yesterday we scraped grass from in between the tiles all day. This may not sound exciting… it was. Well, maybe not, but it looks great now. “As unto the Lord…” Today is more work around the church and then the game of course.

Breakfast has been bread, spread with butter and jam (strawberry I believe). Last night was a great pork on a stick with spicy rice and cucumber salad (my wife loves cucumber salad, so I had some just for her). Lunch today was a Hawaiian garlic bread (bread, pineapple, ham and cheese). So needless to say, we are eating well.

Less than one week to go.

Pics – I used to own a Swift when I was in college (with a paint job you have to see).
- van I’ve been carting the team around with (only stalled a few times)


jasandaim said...

the swift-ness is alive in europe!! and thanks for the updates on the cuisine. you know i appreciate it. sophi and i miss you a ton! have fun watching the game tonight!

Miss Audrey said...

Hi there! I belong to Albert and Mychal. They are brothers on the Arizona AIM's team. Thank you for the link. I'm looking forward to following the progress of the mission! You are all in our hearts and prayers.